Past Masters
- PM White, Anton – 2015/2016
- PM Douglas Caridine – 2014
- PM Byrd, Vernell – 2012/2013
- PM Calhoun, Christopher – 2010/2011
- PM Daniel, Eugene – (2010)
- PM Cooley, Adrian – 2009
- PM Revish, Thomas – (2008)
- PM Humphrey, Michael – 2008
( ) = Year Affiliated
MWPHGLIL Elected and Appointed Officers
- PM Daniel, Eugene – Grand Lodge Deputy 2nd District
Grand Lodge Mason of the Year Recipient
- PM Calhoun, Christopher – 2010
- WM. Walker, Timothy
- Bro. Adebayo, Surajudeen
- Bro. Ali, Abdulrahim
- Bro. Bozeman, Bradford
- Bro. Campbell, Sean
- Bro. Clay, Louis
- Bro. Copeland, Maurice
- Bro. Dixon, Oscar
- Bro. Dockens, Johnathan
- Bro. Echols, Nate
- Bro. Evans, Anthony
- Bro. Flowers, Ramone
- Bro. Jaudon, Shaun
- Bro. Langston, Mike
- Bro. Lawrence, Johnie
- Bro. Murph, Andre
- SW Payne, Robert
- Bro. Phillips, Cecil
- Bro. Purnell, Patrick
- Bro. Reed, Markeith
- Bro. Rice, Evan
- JW Shivers, Monroe
- Bro. Smith, Bryant
- Bro. Smith, Tjuan
- Bro. Spight, Todd
- Bro. Thomas, Henry
- Bro. White, Larnce
- Bro. Wiggins, Nicholas
- Bro, Wilson Jonathan
Honorary Members