The Men of Vision & Excellence Club (M.O.V.E.) is an auxiliary arm of Union Lodge #155, Prince Hall Free and Accepted Mason of Illinois. Freemasonry is recognized as the worlds oldest fraternal organization! We as Mason around the world are committed to the belief of the Fatherhood of GOD, Brotherhood of Man, and Charity.
Men of Vision & Excellence Club (M.O.V.E) organize various fundraisers to support different endeavors in our local communities and elsewhere. Below are some of our regular community projects we host, sponsor or particpate:
- Illinois Adopt A Highway
- Annual Easter Basket Give A Way
- Chicago Food Depository
- Ronald McDonald House
- Emmett Till Academy
- Union Lodge Junior Craft
- Real Man Read Program
- Annual Thanksgiving Turkey Drive
- Illinois Special Olympics
If you have a planned community service project that can utilize our support, please send your request to and someone from our lodge will contact you as soon as possible.